Basic Compliance Policy
All people working at DaikyoNishikawa act in accordance with the following basic policies.
[Ethical Attitude]
We understand the content of the Corporate Ethical Standards, and will use the standards as the basis for the conduct of our business.
Supervisors shall confirm the facts regarding the execution of duties by their subordinates in light of the Corporate Ethical Standards and carry out appropriate management to prevent violations.
We will establish contact routes and response procedures and ensure that relevant employees are thoroughly informed so as to be able to quickly respond and take crisis management measures against internal crises, including compliance violations.
Compliance defined by DaikyoNishikawa:
To gain the trust of stakeholders (shareholders, customers, employees, business partners, and others) and the general public and to ensure the company’s continued existence, compliance is to work with an attitude of do what should be done (including conformity to laws and regulations) and not do what should not be done. In specific terms, Compliance defined by the Company is to put into practice the Corporate Ethical Standards, which stipulate our approach to business.
Corporate Ethical Standards
- Comply with laws, regulations, and social norms: Observe rules, follow social norms, and act sensibly and responsibly.
- Ensure safety: Ensuring that safety takes precedence over everything else. Check whether safety is impeded and strive for improvement.
- Maintain fair, impartial and transparent business activities: To all stakeholders such as customers, business partners and shareholders, maintain sincere, fair and transparent business activities.
- Roll out proactive communication activities: Recognize the importance of communication with society, disclose information appropriately, and aim to be an open company.
- Initiatives to respect people and society: Respect human rights, contribute to society, and actively engage in environmental conservation activities as a good corporate citizen.
- Protect personal information, company assets, and intellectual property rights: Strive to protect personal information and company assets and be careful not to infringe on intellectual property rights owned by other companies.
Promotion Framework

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Activity Description
The Compliance Committee sets action policies and identifies key issues for each term and holds regular (four times a year) joint committee meetings with the Headquarters and affiliated Group companies to synchronize and improve group-wide activities.
Compliance Training

We provide compliance training by level to teach employees about harassment prevention and fraud prevention; in this way, we improve the corporate culture. In addition, we work to prevent corruption at our overseas business sites by educating domestic and overseas Group company employees about establishing anti-bribery guidelines.
We provide the Compliance Handbook to all employees and use it for compliance education in each department.
Setting Up a Compliance Promotion Month

Rollout of the Message from the President and solicitation of compliance slogans are examples of measures we take for all employees to proactively participate in compliance activities. In this way, we improve employee awareness of compliance.
Compliance Awareness Survey
Conducting Compliance Questionnaires
We conduct a compliance questionnaire every year, which is an awareness survey of employees at the Company and its domestic group companies and is intended to create highly transparent companies.
The collected questionnaire results are used to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each department’s compliance culture. Thus, we work on themed improvement activities led by the Compliance Committee.
Additionally, based on the questionnaire results, including the contents of open-end comments, we hold meetings for employees to exchange freewheeling opinions and strive to foster a compliance culture at each workplace.