Message from the President

DaikyoNishikawa was founded in 2007 by combining two companies. In 2014, the company was listed on the then First Section (currently the Prime Market) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and this year marks its 10th anniversary.

Despite many difficulties and the changing environment, we have been able to achieve sustainable growth thanks to the support of our stakeholders. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your continuous support.

As stated in our corporate philosophy, we strive to be a company which places emphasis on people, society and the earth. To this end, we pursue improvements in functionality of products, primarily in the automotive industry, by using plastics, which have many possibilities. With the future of the earth in mind, our mission in creating a sustainable society is to help produce lightweight automobiles and provide easily recyclable plastic products. Fully utilizing our strengths, such as an integrated process from material development to production, we strive to meet the needs of society and provide value that exceeds customer expectations.

Looking to the future, we have formulated a long-term vision, “Vision 2040,” in which we commit to becoming “an essential company where diverse individuals pursue new possibilities for plastics and contribute to people, society, and the earth on a global scale.” In the Vision, we have defined the desired status we aspire to achieve by 2040. Accordingly, we published a medium-term management plan that positions the four years starting from fiscal 2024 as Stage 1 for achieving the long-term vision. We will continue to develop new technologies, commit to carbon neutrality, and reform working styles while creating a corporate culture in which all employees are cheerful and full of self-confidence and can energetically take on challenges toward the future, thereby contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.