To Individual Investors

Attractiveness of 

Here is information to help you better understand
the features of our businesses.

Benefits of Our Shareholders

Participation in company management

Shareholders can attend our general meetings of shareholders, where important management policies are decided, with voting rights granted. You may exercise your voting rights for every proposal to express your approval or disapproval.

General Meeting
of Shareholders

Receipt of dividends

We endeavor to improve our corporate value by strengthening our earning power, which will enable our sustainable growth, and by building the basis for growth as a global company. We position the return of profits to our shareholders as an important management task. Our basic policy is to pay dividends stably and continuously, taking into comprehensive consideration the business performance, dividend payout ratio, and other factors.

Dividends and Dividend
Payout Ratios

How to purchase our shares

To purchase shares, you need to open an account with a nearby brokerage firm in advance. For details on how to open an account and fees, please contact the brokerage firm. Please note that we cannot directly accept or process your stock purchases. Please make sure that you purchase shares based on your own judgment.

Deposit the amount of money necessary to purchase shares in your brokerage account and purchase shares through the brokerage firm. Shares of DaikyoNishikawa are traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market (securities code: 4246). Since the share unit of our stock is 100 shares, the minimum purchase price is 100 times the share price. The trading commission fee is also required to be paid to the brokerage firm.

Inquiries about IR

Inquiries about IR

DaikyoNishikawa Corporation
PR & IR Group, Corporate Planning Department, Corporate Planning Division
Address: 5-1 Jike-sangyodanchi, Higashihiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 739-0049, Japan
Reception hours: 9:00 am to 5:45 pm (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays specified in our business calendar)