Company profile

DaikyoNishikawa Corporation is a comprehensive plastic products manufacturer and a solution provider headquartered in Higashihiroshima-shi, Hiroshima. Its main business is the manufacture and sales of automotive and housing plastic products. Plastics are lightweight and have a high degree of adaptability in processing. The company takes advantage of these features, further enhances their functionality, and delivers higher value-added products, while giving due consideration to safety and the environment. In this way DaikyoNishikawa contributes to society.

Basic Information

as of March 31, 2024

Trade name DaikyoNishikawa Corporation
Founded April 1, 2007
Representative Ikuo Sugiyama, Representative Director and President
Headquarters location

5-1 Jike-sangyodanchi, Higashihiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 739-0049, Japan
Phone: 082-493-5600
Fax: 082-493-5601

Capital ¥5,426,653,900
Listed exchange Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market
Securities code 4246
Fiscal year From April 1 to March 31
Line of business
  1. Manufacture, design, and development of automotive parts
  2. Manufacture, design, and development of synthetic plastic products
  3. Ownership, leasing, and management of movable and immovable property
  4. Collecting, transporting, and treating industrial waste
  5. Non-life insurance agency business and business related to life insurance solicitation
  6. Any services incidental to the preceding items
Number of employees Consolidated: 5,601
Net sales Consolidated: ¥159.0 billion
> For more details, please see “Financial Results Summary.”
Executives > For more details, please see “Executives.”
Office > For more details, please see “Offices and Plants.”
Auditing firm KPMG AZSA LLC

Introduction video

Looking for "Deep Impression" One Step Ahead of "Satisfaction"

Japanese Version

Chinese Version

Company Profile